Saving the world
By doing business.

People don't necessarily have to pay for saving the planet.
Walki can provide piles of evidence about products and solutions that are
sound both climate and businesswise, for both customers and the industry.
It may surprise many that good business is actually - good.


What drivers guide business today?
Every decade comes with a set of new, hyped ideas on ground-breaking business models and management. Every decade introduces great amounts of literature on innovative business concepts. But this is not about hype or trends. The debate over alarming environmental developments is here to stay – with a huge impact on companies and communities.

The ever-growing, collective concern over environmental issues can be seen in new, alternative ways to consume. Ethical and sustainable production is in demand and for a good reason.

Most modern-day products don’t have a distinctive rationale behind them. Due to nearly identical production methods used, the market becomes more and more homogeneous.

The added value is now measured in moral standards. More than aesthetics or physical qualities, the emphasis on ethical values grows. Sustainability and responsibility are key details in product design and production – whether is shows as reduced energy consumption or recyclable food packaging.

For the consumer, it is the packaging that makes the first impression. Packaging can speak volumes. A lot of research is done around the topic, and designers try their best to match the mental images of “selfish quality" and “selfless responsibility".
Packaging plays a huge role in all manufacturing, regardless of the industry and final product. The volumes of created and used packaging are significant.

As consumers become more and more environmentally savvy, recyclable and renewable, fiber-based packaging grows in popularity. Young children are taught in school about the negative environmental impact of plastic, followed by powerful images of huge garbage patches floating in the ocean.

This is why we need more companies like Walki. Companies that develop new, smart ways to treat and enhance fiber-based materials – in addition to such products as moisture-resistant boards and packaging that preserves aroma.
There are also goals and obligations that stem from the community.

There are endless, ever-increasing ways to manage a company. In markets dominated by certification marks, a majority of product safety policies are based on environmental matters. International organizations educate us on a variety of issues and more certification marks get created for different causes and purposes. In the EU, directives are the biggest actors in environmental matters, and the United Nations climate change conference is an anticipated event for the entire globe.

Long gone are the days that environmental effects were only local and businesses had no need for the total transparency that is now expected of them. Now companies are responsible to entire communities and its most critical voices.

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